How To Reduce Humidity in Air Cooler?

Air coolers are a popular alternative to air conditioners in areas with dry climates. They work by blowing air through water-saturated pads, which cools the air and adds moisture.

However, in high humidity areas, air coolers can actually make the indoor environment feel more humid and uncomfortable. In this article, we will discuss some effective ways to reduce humidity in air coolers.

humidity while using air cooler

Understanding Humidity

Humidity is the amount of moisture in the air. It is measured using a device called a hygrometer and is expressed as a percentage. High humidity levels can make the air feel sticky and uncomfortable, and can also promote the growth of mold and bacteria.

In areas with high humidity, air coolers can actually make the indoor environment feel more humid because they add moisture to the air.

Tips to Reduce Humidity in Air Coolers

1. Increase Ventilation

One of the simplest methods to minimize humidity levels in air coolers is to improve the ventilation in the room. While air coolers are effective in reducing air temperature, they often lead to increased humidity levels.

This can be uncomfortable for those in the room, and it can also lead to issues such as mold and mildew growth. To address this issue, it is important to increase the ventilation in the room.

This can be done in several ways, such as opening windows and doors or using a fan to circulate the air. By increasing ventilation, you can help to reduce the amount of moisture in the air, as the air is constantly moving and being replaced.

2. Use a Dehumidifier

Another way to reduce humidity in air coolers is to use a dehumidifier. While an air cooler can help to make the indoor environment more comfortable by cooling the air, it doesn't necessarily reduce humidity levels.

That's where a dehumidifier comes in. By removing moisture from the air, a dehumidifier can help to reduce humidity levels and make the environment even more comfortable.

When using a dehumidifier in conjunction with an air cooler, it is important to place the dehumidifier near the air cooler and turn it on. This will help to remove excess moisture from the air and reduce humidity levels.

In addition, it is important to make sure that the dehumidifier is the appropriate size for the room. If it is too small, it may not be effective in reducing humidity levels.

Another benefit of using a dehumidifier is that it can help to improve indoor air quality. High humidity levels can promote the growth of mold, dust mites, and other allergens, which can lead to respiratory problems.

By reducing humidity levels, a dehumidifier can help to prevent the growth of these allergens and improve indoor air quality. So, in addition to making the indoor environment more comfortable, using a dehumidifier can also have important health benefits.

3. Clean the Air Cooler Regularly

Another reason why air coolers can make the indoor environment feel more humid is that they can accumulate dirt and dust over time. When this happens, the accumulated dust and dirt can clog the air cooler's pads and prevent proper airflow, making it difficult for the air cooler to work efficiently.

In addition to reducing the efficiency of the air cooler, the accumulation of dust and dirt also creates a breeding ground for mold and bacteria, which can contribute to high humidity levels. To prevent this, it is important to clean the air cooler regularly. The first step is to turn off the air cooler and unplug it from the power source.

Next, remove the pads and clean them with water and mild detergent. As you clean the pads, be sure to pay attention to any areas where dirt and debris may be trapped. You should also clean the interior of the air cooler with a damp cloth, making sure to remove any accumulated dirt or dust.

While cleaning the air cooler is essential, it is also important to pay attention to the quality of the water used in the air cooler. Hard water can cause mineral buildup in the air cooler, reducing its efficiency and potentially leading to the growth of harmful bacteria.

To avoid this, consider using distilled water or a water softener when filling up the air cooler.

By taking these steps, you can ensure that your air cooler functions properly and creates a comfortable indoor environment for you and your family.

4. Use a Water Treatment Solution

Using a water treatment solution can be an effective way to reduce humidity in air coolers. By preventing the growth of mold and bacteria in the water tank and pads of the air cooler, these solutions can help to maintain a healthy and safe environment.

This is particularly important for individuals who suffer from respiratory conditions such as asthma or allergies, as high humidity levels can exacerbate these conditions.

Moreover, water treatment solutions can also help to prolong the lifespan of air coolers. By reducing the buildup of mold and bacteria, they can prevent corrosion and other damage to the components of the air cooler.

This can save money in the long run by reducing the need for repairs and replacements.

In addition, using a water treatment solution can also improve the overall efficiency of air coolers. When mold and bacteria grow in the water tank and pads, they can clog the system and reduce airflow.

By preventing this buildup, water treatment solutions can ensure that the air cooler operates at optimal levels, providing effective cooling without wasting energy.

Overall, incorporating a water treatment solution into air cooler maintenance can have numerous benefits, from improving indoor air quality to saving money on repairs and replacements.

5. Use Ice Packs

Finally, it is worth noting that there are several other ways to reduce humidity levels in air coolers besides using ice packs. One option is to increase ventilation in the room by opening windows or using a fan.

Another option is to install a dehumidifier, which can remove excess moisture from the air. Additionally, it is important to regularly clean the air cooler to ensure that it is working efficiently.

This includes cleaning the water tank, replacing any filters, and checking for any damage or leaks.

By taking these steps, you can ensure that your air cooler is working optimally to reduce humidity levels and keep your living space cool and comfortable.


Air coolers are a popular choice for cooling indoor spaces in areas with dry climates. They are energy-efficient and can help to save on electricity bills by using less energy than air conditioners. However, in high humidity areas, air coolers can actually make the indoor environment feel more humid and uncomfortable.

This is because air coolers work by evaporating water, which adds moisture to the air. Consequently, the humidity levels in the indoor environment increase, making it feel sticky and uncomfortable.

To address this issue, there are several tips that you can follow to reduce humidity in air coolers and make the indoor environment more comfortable. Firstly, it is important to clean the air cooler regularly to prevent the growth of mold and other bacteria that thrive in moist environments.

Secondly, you can use a water treatment solution to reduce the amount of mineral buildup in the air cooler. This can help to improve the efficiency of the air cooler and reduce the amount of moisture that is released into the air. Finally, you may also want to consider using a dehumidifier or ice packs to reduce humidity levels in the indoor environment.

A dehumidifier can help to remove excess moisture from the air, while ice packs can be used to cool the air without adding moisture.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your air cooler works efficiently and helps to keep your indoor environment cool and comfortable, even in high humidity areas.

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